Monday, September 5, 2016


If only you know how hard it is to wear a smile
If only you know how that I have already waited for awhile
If only you know how hard it is to push you away
If only you know that what I want is for you to stay.

If only you know how I cherish every word you say
If only you know how I dreamt to be with you in each single day
If only you know that I missed you so much
If only you know how you make my heartbeat rush.

If only you know how you make me feel blue
If only you know how I was swept by you
If only you know how I want to share with you my fears
If only you know how I want you to be a part of my coming years.

If only you know how I want to hear your stories
If only you know how I want be a part of your good memories
If only you know how I don't want to see you sad
If only you know how hard it is to be inside this facade.

If only you know how it hurts right now
If only you know that I hope this feeling could reach you somehow
If only you know how I kept this thing that shall never be named
If only you know how I was never been swayed.

If only you know how I want to look at your eyes
If only you know that I want to be the reason of your smiles
If only you know how it torments me inside
If only you know how I want to be by your side.

If only you know how I want to wipe away your tears
If only you know how I want to remove your worries and fears
If only you know that it feels like sunshine with a strong rain
If only you know that I was also in pain.

If only you know how sorry I am for this thing may never be heard
If only you know how sad it is not to utter those words
If only you know how sorry I am if I hurt you at times
If only you know how tragic it feels when you thought feelings may never rhyme.