Monday, June 6, 2016


      They look directly into your eyes without recognizing the agony that is inside. They listen to your words, to the laughter that you have but never did they see your suffering. They enjoy your company without realizing that it is your only escape from this painful reality. They observe your actions but are still oblivious of its true meaning. They see you physically, but refused to pay attention to the very detail of your soul, the thing that is solely important.
     They see you on the surface but never did they realize the things that start to vanish within you, slowly by slowly. Your genuine laughter, the spirit that used to lift up your lost soul. Your words that start to lose their meaning, your actions that cease to have its purpose. Your dreams, the paths you have paved which no longer have their directions. Your music, your soul, your colors which start to fade. Your existence and its essence which becomes unclear.
       If all has gone, then who are you? Are you still that same spirit whose dreams are written by that one magical hand? If all has gone, then why are you still here? Will your life be the same as it was before? If all has gone, then why do they still hear your laughter? Is it just you who believe that it has lost its meaning? If all has gone, then why do you still carry that strength that made you decipher your inner capacities? Is it just you who believe you are too weak to be victorious over those adversaries? If all has gone, then why do you still continue to breathe? Is it just your mind that made you believe you have already lose the faith you have for your dreams? Is it just your mind that made you believe you have long before surrendered?
      If the light was gone, then why do you still see how stars shine despite the vast darkness of the night? Is it just you who believe that every slice of delight of your existence was taken away? Is it just you who complicate life? If all is unclear, then why do you still continue to move despite the uncertainty? Is it just you who believe you can no longer take any risk? Is it just you who believe that all the means and the ways were gone? If you have long been unnoticed, then why do you still keep on making efforts? Is it just you who believe that everything is merely about how people appreciate every little thing you do? Is it just you who think that no one even secretly rejoices with you?
       If all your efforts to conquer your fears were nothing, then why do you still continue to face life? Is it just you who think that you are a coward? Is it just you who think you no longer have the capacity to move forward? Is it just you who think you have given up on everything? If life is unfair, then why do everybody seems to be imperfect? Is it just you who think that their criticisms define you as a person? Is it just you who think that their success or their gain is more of your loss? If everything you do is wrong, then why are there people who think you are important? Is it just you who think that you are more of a disgrace and less of a relevant soul? Is it just you who think that in the end, nothing will make perfect sense?
      You may lose everything you have. Your life and everything in it, your achievements, and even people who are dear to you but, will the absence still matter when you have cherished them right? Will the absence still matter when you have appreciated it while it still last? Will the absence still matter when the memories you have made are still kept, still cherished? Is it just you who think you are irrelevant, unappreciated or not loved?
       If not… then who are you? Are you that same spirit who loves the world in every aspect? Are you that same spirit who sees the light in every perspective? Are you that same spirit who is unafraid, indestructible?

         If not… then who are you? 

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