Saturday, June 11, 2016


Thoughts are like ocean; enigmatic and deep.

     There are things, called favors. Things that were sometimes done not because of the thought of genuinely helping, but those which were driven by the thought that after doing such things, you'll get the recognition sometimes you really are after, the "giving back" you are expecting. This person does not want to be a part of that conspiracy, this person wanted to be different, this person wanted to deviate. This person does not want to tolerate that wrongful volition, this person wanted to make things right even though he/she does not know how to start.

    Everyone that surrounds this person may think that the confidence this person has is just overflowing because of those so-called "achievements", or just way too much for this person to appear as that tough or conceited one. That is only what's on the surface but what other people don't see, is this person's fears, the tons of pains, insecurities and struggles, and the battle that this person has to conquer everyday on his/her own. Whatever this person tells them, they will always misunderstood. What ever intentions this person has, even if from the bottom of this person's heart, those intentions are for the good, they will misunderstood. Whatever this person does, this person is always wrong, as if nothing is perfect, nothing is right in this person's life and existence.

     They always misunderstood things because not even once, they ever wanted to listen. They never were listening. They never were listening to the things that were untold, but were already obviously revealed before their very eyes. They never were paying attention to the reality, to the truth that they were being manipulated by those who can speak, by those who had the power. Their minds were closed, not even letting this person utter the things at the back of his/her mind. They were too busy riding with the flow of this screwed society, of letting other people manipulate them and belittle their capacities, of letting those which has the power to decide their fate, of letting the self-righteous make them feel that without their help, they will be nothing and they will not be able to soar higher than they ever could, even if that is not the very truth of their existence, even if the truth is that they were successful not only because they fully believe on themselves and their potentials but because their faith on their dreams are much stronger than the strongest force which used to separate them from its realization. Or maybe they used to listen, to pay attention for some time, but chose to keep silent, to refuse from paying attention to the very truth, to refrain from revealing what is right believing that it is the exact thing they should do, and appallingly let other people place value to their existence and abilities.

     Even though things don't go the way this person wanted them to be, although this person is having a hard time winning his/her own battle, hopefully this person won't get tired, hopefully this person won't stop deviating, hopefully this person is strong enough. Even though in the eyes of other people, this person is wrong for believing that everything will make perfect sense if done and achieved in the right and truthful way, hopefully this person will not be dissuaded, hopefully this person will continue to do the thing that is right. Although this person is seldom understood, this person hopes that he/she can carry it on. For in a society where affluence, power and control are embodied by those who are at the "top", where to speak for the truth always appear to be a wrongful move, there is no worse crime than suffering and ignorance. There is no worse crime than not letting people believe they can go beyond their limits because the truth is they can, they really can.

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